Myth vs. Truth

All Medicine Man Pharmacies provide FREE in store Medicare consultation. No appointment necessary!

Are you getting the most benefit from your Medicare plan?

Many people wonder if their current plan is optimal for their specific needs. A less than 15 minute review of your medication requirements is all that is needed to help you select the best plan. We will show side-by-side Medicare plans and their costs specific to your unique profile.

Why do we provide this service?

To start with, we don’t receive any type of kick-backs by providing this service so you can be rest assured we truly are only out for your best interest. We understand that Medicare’s plans and how it pertains to your specific case can be confusing. Quite simply we provide it as service to our local community. Come to the professionals who work with the programs on a daily basis and are experts in the medications you are currently using to help determine your best plan. It’ll also give you a chance to get to know us a little better in the process.

How do I start?

Collect a list of the medications you are currently using and come on in. It’s really that simple.